In one of the most innovative and progressive environmentalist initiatives Yasuni-ITT challenged the world to help preserve the Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputini oil field within Yasuni Natural Reserve by helping Ecuador raise the revenue that the millions of barrels of oil could provide for it's economy.
In a 6 square kilometer of Yasuni Natural Reserve in Ecuador there are more species of animals and plants than anywhere in the western hemisphere. It also has 864 million barrels of oil. At The International Summit on the Environment, President Rafael Correa and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore set a target of collecting $100 million dollars by the year's end. In January 2012, governments of over 50 countries, celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, Edward Norton, Michael Tobias and thousands of individuals over the world all pledged over $116 million dollars.
The Yasuni-ITT initiative sparked a worldwide discussion about the cost of preservation.
- Gold, Public Relations for Republic of Ecuador, Yasuni ITT. — Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, 2012
- Short List, Titanium and Integrated for Republic of Ecuador, Yasuni ITT. — Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, 2012
- Gold, Public Relations for Republic of Ecuador, Yasuni ITT. — Festival Iberoamericano de Publicidad (FIAP), 2012
Selected Press
- 2012 Annual Report of the Ecuador Yasuní ITT Trust Fund. —
- Race to save Ecuador's 'lungs of the world' park. —
- Rain Forest for Ransom. —
- World's conservation hopes rest on Ecuador's revolutionary Yasuni model. —
- Project to leave oil in ground under Yasuní park reaches $300m —
- Ecuador Asks World to Pay to Keep Yasuni Oil Underground. —